The Knovel Database contains about 2,800 electronic books covering 24 engineering subject areas (e.g., Civil, Electrical, Electronic, and Mechanical engineering). The full text of all these items is keyword searchable. It also has unit conversion, property searches, and equation help.
The following pages provide a step-by-step introduction to the e-Library for Red River College students and staff.
Access the Knovel Database through A-Z Databases.
Don’t forget to check out the related guides for similar topics and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Thanks, and enjoy!
A database of e-books covering a variety of engineering subject areas. Features include a collection of interactive equations, a unit converter, and other tools.
Some online materials are restricted to student/staff use only. Use your college username and password to access these resources (i.e. same username and password used for Hub)
Library and Academic Services subscribe to many databases. Many can be searched simultaneously by using OneSearch. Others are independent, and each of these has its own search strategies. To see all the databases the library offers, check out the Articles/Databases List (A-Z). Most databases will require your college username and password to access.
To learn more about searching and using databases, check out A-Z Database List.