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Fair Dealing Tool: Step 2


You have indicated that your copying is for one of the fair dealing purposes listed in the Copyright Act.

  • You now need to assess the fairness of your use based on six factors.
  • Provide responses to each of the six factors below. Your responses to each of these factors, when combined, will help to determine if your copying is tending to be fair or unfair.
  • At the end of this process you will be provided with a final score, as well as an analysis of that score, which will indicate the degree to which your copying is likely to be fair. There is no bright line test for Fair Dealing the goal of the analysis is reveal the ‘degree of fairness’ applicable to the particular situation.

For each factor below, select the option that best indicates the characteristics of your copying, based on the range of options provided.​

1. The purpose for which I am making a copy is
2. The character of the copying is:
3. The amount of the original work that I will be copying is:
4. Instead of making a copy of this copyrighted work, I could select the following alternative:
5. The nature of the original work (from which the copy is made) is best described as:
6. The effect of my copying on the market for the original work is:
Your result will show up here!

This Fair Dealing tool has been adapted with permission from the University of Guelph by Red River College. Adaptations prepared by the Copyright Officer and RRC Library