Review workshops provide students weekly opportunities to review and practice new course material under the guidance of a professional staff tutor.
Please note these workshops are designed to serve students who are attending class regularly. The reviews are not meant to introduce material, but to provide practice and review. These workshops cannot replace instructions found in regular classes. If there are any discrepancies between the content delivered in these workshops and what your instructor delivered in class, always follow the direction of your instructors.
Self-enroll into our Business Math & Accounting review courses in LEARN to access practice worksheets (with answer keys), video tutorials, practice quizzes, and more! We've compiled all of our review materials for each course into one central location to help you easily access these resources on demand.
Business Admin. / Applied Accounting |
Business Mathematics (MATH-1078) |
Tuesday |
12-1 pm |
Room: E201 |
Tutor: Mike Reimer |
Accounting Fundamentals (ACCT-1071) |
Monday |
12-1pm |
Room: E201 |
Tutor: Mike Reimer |
Wednesday |
12-1pm |
Room: D302 |
Tutor: Mike Reimer |
Financial Accounting (ACCT-2071) |
Thursday |
12-1 pm |
Room: D214 |
Tutor: Mike Reimer |
Cost Accounting (ACCT-4071) |
Friday |
4-5 pm |
Room: D214 |
Tutor: Mike Reimer |
Managerial Accounting (ACCT-1074) |
Wednesday |
1-2 pm |
Room: E201 |
Tutor: Mike Reimer |
Friday |
12-1 pm |
Room: E201 |
Tutor: Mike Reimer |
Intermediate Accounting 2 (ACCT-4070) - NEW TIME! Starting January 31 |
Fridays |
1-3 pm |
Room: D302 |
Tutor: Chani Singh |
International Finance (FNCE-3000) - NEW! Starting January 31 |
Fridays | 12-1 pm | Room: D302 | Tutor: Chani Singh |
Business Admin. / Applied Accounting |
Business Mathematics (MATH-1078) |
Mondays |
10-11 am |
Library Classroom |
Tutor: Chani Singh |
Accounting Fundamentals (ACCT-1071) |
Mondays |
12-1 pm |
Library Classroom |
Tutor: Chani Singh |
Thursdays |
12-1 pm |
Library Classroom |
Tutor: Chani Singh |
Financial Accounting (ACCT-2071) |
Tuesdays |
9-10 am |
Library Classroom |
Tutor: Chani Singh |
Thursdays |
1-2 pm |
Library Classroom |
Tutor: Chani Singh |
Economics (ECON-1011) |
Mondays |
4-5 pm |
Library Classroom |
Tutor: Chani Singh |
Wednesdays |
1-2 pm |
Library Classroom |
Tutor: Chani Singh |
Managerial Accounting (ACCT-1074) |
Mondays |
11 am -12 pm |
Library Classroom |
Tutor: Chani Singh |
Wednesdays |
12-1 pm |
Library Classroom |
Tutor: Chani Singh |
Cost Accounting (ACCT-4071) |
Tuesdays |
11 am -12 pm |
Library Classroom |
Tutor: Chani Singh |
Thursdays |
11 am -12 pm |
Library Classroom |
Tutor: Chani Singh |
Intermediate Accounting 2 (ACCT-4070) |
Tuesdays |
10-11 am |
Library Classroom |
Tutor: Chani Singh |
Thursdays |
10-11 am |
Library Classroom |
Tutor: Chani Singh |