RRC Polytech Library: Streaming Video Migration
(8 November 2022) Library staff are migrating our streaming video collection from video.rrc.ca to a location within our library OneSearch.

What has changed?
This is an example of a link to the old system:
- https://video.rrc.ca/ssdcms/ip.do?u=1c110a6157e44b0
Please note the hostname video.rrc.ca in the URL. Library videos will no longer use this type of URL.
This is an example of a link to a streaming video in the new system:
- Broken links: If you are linking to a library video that uses "video.rrc.ca" in the link, your link will stop functioning. The video may have been migrated to OneSearch. Search for the video in OneSearch (https://library.rrc.ca/OneSearch).
- Missing video: If you can no longer find a particular streaming video title in OneSearch, that video may no longer be available for streaming, likely due a revision in the rightsholder agreement. The library ensures copyright obligations are met under the copyright act of Canada, and if we cannot purchase the rights to streaming versions of the work specifically for library access, under most circumstances a video cannot remain active in our collection with out express permission of the rightsholder. Look for an alternate title. If you are searching for a specific title you can no longer locate, contact us and refer to the title of the video you are seeking. We will help you locate specific titles, however you should expect a 2-3 working day turnaround time.
- Waiting list: In the new platform, we are able to incorporate a waiting list for titles that are restricted, i.e., “1 concurrent user.” If a user signs in to watch a video, and there is another user already viewing that video, the second user is invited to sign up for a waiting list. They will receive an email when it is their turn to watch the video.
If you have questions about these changes, feel free to contact us.