Find Quiet Pod booking from the Library homepage under USE THE LIBRARY in the top navigation bar or by selecting the Study Space icon from mid-page.
Some online materials are restricted to student/staff use only. Use your college username and password to access these resources (i.e. same username and password used for Hub)
1) In the grid, begin your booking by selecting a GREEN start time
The Library has 3 quiet pods. The pods are identical.
2) Your selection will highlight in orange.
3) Scroll to the bottom of the page to complete the booking.
Double check booking end time in the drop down menu.
4) Submit time to complete booking.
Start over at any time by selecting the trashcan icon to the right of the dropdown. This will reset the grid to select a new start time.
Review the details of the booking before selecting submit my booking from the bottom of the page.
Start over by selecting the trashcan/remove button on the right of the booking details.
When you create a booking, you will receive a “Your booking has been confirmed” email with an .ics calendar file. Open the attachment and add the booking to your calendar.
Make sure to add to your safe senders list so you don’t miss any important updates or reminders about your bookings!
If you need to cancel a booking, you can call us at 204-632-2233 or reply to your booking confirmation or reminder emails to ask that the booking be changed or cancelled.
Booking confirmation and upcoming booking reminder emails have a To cancel this booking visit link included in the body of the email.