Customize table is the first level of customization. Most tables have at least one dropdown that will allow you to change one element at a time. The most common will be geography. In this example, we have Geography and Age.
To customize.
1. Select an option from the dropdown
2. Click Apply
3. The table will change to show only the selected information.
To return to the default select the topmost selection of each category.
Add/Remove data is the second level of customization, here we can select WHICH variables we want to be displayed on the table.
1. Clicking the Add/Remove Data button to open the interactive function
On this tab, you can select Canada or a combination of provinces and territories. (This variable was available in Customize table, but you could only select one option)
Select which characteristics you want in your table. (This variable was available in Customize table, but you could only select one option)
The following variables are not available in Customize table.
Due to the length of the list of options for this variable you now have the ability to select how many of them you want to see in the list. Ex. Show 10 members.
You can also scroll through this list by clicking on the V... at the bottom of the list.
Customize layout is a special tab that will enable you to determine which information will be displayed in rows and which in columns.
(note: indicators changed to make a more manageable screenshot)
Default positions