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ASC: About Us - Our Values and Goals

Our Goals

Our Goals


  • Addressing the foundational learning skills and academic content needs of students by providing tutoring, supplemental instruction, workshops, study preparation sessions, and individual learning supports.
  • Providing ESL language support so that students can effectively learn, demonstrate learning, and transition smoothly to destination workplaces.
  • Determining students’ learning needs and develop relevant learning success services by working collaboratively with program faculty and staff across the College (including regional campuses).
  • Collaborating with academic programs and other College partners on service development, thereby creating opportunities for the sharing of expertise.
  • Increasing access to the ASC by communicating its services and programs through outreach activities and various media across all Red River College Polytechnic campuses, and to students and faculty and staff in all program areas.
  • Ensuring innovation in service design, delivery and success by remaining current in issues, trends, and developments affecting service delivery through professional development, research activities and connection with other prost-secondary institutions.
  • Evaluating continuously the services and learning supports of the ASC by establishing and reporting results on standards and performance measures.