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Health Indicators & Health-based Statistics

This guide will give you an introduction to finding health indicators and health statistics using Canada's two primary sources: Statistics Canada and the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI).

Statistics Canada

Statistics Canada - Health Statistics

There are over 2,000 documents produced by Statistics Canada on the Health of Canadians. This data is derived from a number of different targeted surveys as well as the Census.

While there may be tables that are related between these tables and the Health indicators. These are strictly Stats Can (While Health Indicators are created in collaboration with CIHI). Topics are organized differently on this page. It's worth taking the time to explore. 


1. Start on Statistics Canada's Health page (or select "Subjects" - "Health")





















There is a lot of content on the Health Statistics page including:

  • Find data on - Popular Health topics (go to the data tables)
  • Key indicators - these are quick stats from the most popular tables with minimal customization
  • Featured infographics
  • Geography - an interactive map to search for statistics by region
  • Health Survey & Statistical Programs - Results and documentation of surveys and statistical programs
  • Of interest & Browse - see what's new and popular in health

2. (2a) Select one of the topics OR (2b) click on More related subjects: Health to go to the tables and see ALL sub-topics.


























3. On the Health (Data tables) page, there are a number of sections worth pointing out

a. Key Indicators (same as on the previous page)

b. Health topics and subtopics - use these to filter the results and gain access to more tools.  

Topics include (each is subdivided into subtopics): 

  • disability
  • diseases by physical health conditions
  • environmental factors
  • health care services
  • health measures
  • life expectancy and death
  • lifestyle & social conditions
  • mental health and well-being
  • pregnancy and birth

c. Product type (click on a tab to filter):

  • All - all results
  • Data - strictly tables
  • Analysis - documents created by statistics Canada subject specialists incorporating statistics and painting a more complete picture - more than just numbers.
  • References - other data beyond tables.

d. Results - click on one of these products to see more information.

Click on a topic or subtopic to move to the next page. Ex. Diseases and physical health conditions > Arthritis


















4. The topic page gives you access to new filter options. Select the following:

  • *Content* - Check "Latest". This will exclude any archived tables. Unnecessary unless you are looking for historical comparisons.
  • Type - select if you want just data tables and/or just analysis or stats in brief (you can also do this via the tabs above the results)
  • Geography and Survey - We recommend that this is left unchecked. Most data tables can be further customized by geography at the table level and selecting a survey is only necessary if you are looking for a particular survey


















5. Select the table (or analysis document) that best fits your needs. Tables can then be further customized by geography, age, sex, etc. (depending on available variables)

More about using and customizing Statistics Canada data tables.
