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Indigenous Health & Well-Being

This guide is to assist you in researching topics related to Indigenous health. Here you will find links to books, ebooks, journals, databases, websites, and more.

Healing and Wellness - Introduction

Healing and Wellness

Indigenous health and wellness is based on a holistic model of health and is often overlooked in the prevention and treatment of chronic conditions and in the promotion of health and wellness. An integral focus of Indigenous healing and wellness is through the balance and inter-relationships of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of a being.

Websites and Documents

Library Resources

Traditional Medicines


Every year Winnipeg Health Region volunteers harvest sweetgrass, sage, and cedar - sacred medicines used by some Aboriginal cultures - to be used throughout the region in traditional healing and ceremonies. Betty Ross, Spiritual/Cultural Care Provider for the region's Aboriginal Health Programs, talks about the significance of picking and using sweetgrass, one of the four sacred medicines.

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