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CPS Full Access (Database Instruction)

RRC Polytech students and faculty access only. CPS Full Access (formerly RxTx) is Canada's authoritative source for prescribing and managing drug therapy, providing online access to evidence-based, reliable Canadian drug, and therapeutic information

Keyword searching

Use the Search to quickly find information on drugs, conditions, and other topics. 







1. Refine your search by selecting an area from the drop-down. 

  • All, 
  • Drugs -- which will search in CPS Drug monographs, Clin-info, Information for Patients (drugs), and Products for Minor Ailments (CPMA)
  • Conditions -- which will search Therapeutic choices (CTC), Minor ailments (CTMA), and Information for Patients (Minor ailments)

2. Enter your keyword (drug, condition, or topic, ex. "spasm")

3. Click Search









The search is predictive. It will...

1. Offer suggestions to complete your search term.

2. Offer documents based on what you have typed so far and what it thinks you may be looking for.

You can...

  • Keep typing and click Enter (or click the eyeglass icon)
  • Select one of the suggestions to finish your term, 
  • Select one of the documents - this will take you directly to that document, bypassing the search results completely
  • Use the (x) to clear your search and start again.

Search Results

The results page gives you some options to refine your results.
  1. Filter by document type. Defaults are based on the dropdown on the previous page, ex. if you selected 'All' both All drugs and All conditions are checked. You can check and uncheck these as desired. 
  2. Add additional keywords to help refine or expand your search results. This is a simple and straightforward search: add terms and click Enter to refresh your results. 
  3. As mentioned on the Navigation page, RxTx will open tabs for each document. Return to your results by clicking the Results tab.
  4. Sort the list by relevance or alphabetical
  5. Click the document titles to open the document, you can also select the quick links beneath the descriptions to jump directly to a section within the document.
  6. each document has a logo or icon that identifies what type of document it is and which collection it comes from. There is a list in the next box.

Document Types

Each type of document is identified by a logo on the search results page. 

Conditions include: 
  • The Products for Minor Ailments (CPMA) is the compendium that looks at nonprescription drugs and devices marketed in Canada for the treatment or management of minor ailments.
  • The Compendium of Therapeutic Choices (CTC) offers practical clinical information covering more than 200 common medical conditions from Acne to Covid-19 to Viral Rhinitis.
  • The Compendium of Therapeutics for Minor Ailments (CTMA) provides a full-spectrum of therapy for over 140 conditions to help manage and triage minor ailments.
Drug Information includes: 
  • The Compendium for Pharmaceuticals and Specialties Specialties (CPS) includes a number of documents including:
    • Full Monographs - The CPS provides product monographs prepared by pharmaceutical manufacturers and approved by Health Canada. Included are products and medical devices with a drug component that is available for use in Canada.
    • CPhA Monographs - The CPS also includes monographs developed by the editorial staff of the Canadian Pharmacists Association (CPhA). They are based on the best available evidence and reviewed by expert physicians and pharmacists. Readers should be aware that the text may contain information different from that found in Health Canada-approved Product Monographs.
Patient Information includes:
  • Patient Medication Information - Extracted from the larger CPS monographs, Patient Medication Information monographs are intended to be used separately as information for the patient. They contain information written in plain language. 

  • Minor Ailments - Information for the Patient - Extracted from the larger CTMA, these documents are written specifically for patients in plain language.
Clin-Info Topics includes:
  • Clin-Info Topics provides a quick reference to clinical information and practice tools for healthcare professionals. This information is not intended to present a comprehensive review.

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