When attending school online, it is important to remember what your body needs to be physically healthy. In order to have the energy to study and attend classes online, we need to make time to eat healthy, nutritious meals. This means scheduling time to go to the grocery store and making time to prepare healthy meals.
It is also important to plan for regular exercise through online exercise apps or spending active time outdoors. Similarly, it is important to arrange your daily schedule so you get 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
Eating nutritious foods, getting regular exercise, and adequate sleep are all necessary to maintaining good physical health which will, in turn, help you succeed with your studies.
Your body depends on food to get the nutrients it needs to function. It is important to plan ahead and make time to eat healthy, low-sugar foods in order to ensure you have the mental capacity to succeed with your studies.
Healthy eating supports a healthy immune system and provides enough energy to focus and stay alert.
Unhealthy eating can make it difficult for you to concentrate.
Eating well takes time and planning. You need to make time to do regular grocery shopping sessions in person or with delivery. Make sure to:
Sometimes when we work or study from home we have a less active lifestyle. More of our time is spent sitting at a desk, in front of a screen. It is important to make time in your schedule to exercise so that you can feel energized and refreshed.
Outdoor time is important for our emotional and physical well-being. Spending time outdoors in nature helps us to:
With a little creativity we can arrange for an at-home exercise program:
It can be tempting to stay up late watching a movie or getting school work done but, in fact, having a regular sleep cycle is important for our emotional well-being.
When you are sleep deprived you:
Sleep deprivation can affect your health:
What can you do to improve your sleep habits?
Sleep resources:
Chen. G. (2018, December 24). How diet and nutrition impact a child’s ability to learn. Public School Review
Cohen, S., Doyle, W. J., Alper, C. M. et al. (2009, January 19). Sleep habits and susceptibility to the common cold. Arch Intern Med. 169(1):62-67.
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Hamlin, A. (n.d.). 5 reasons why all school food should be healthy. Onegreenplanet.
Ingraham, C. (2019, July 19). People who spend more time outdoors lead more fulfilling lives, new research shows. The Washington Post.
Mayo Clinic Staff. (2019, Feb. 8). Sleep tips: 6 tips to better sleep. Mayo Clinic.
Options for Youth. (n.d.). The importance of eating healthy for students. Options For Youth.
Ordeonez-Lancet, J. How Spending Time Outdoors Can Boost Student Academic Potential. National Wildlife Federation.
Postal, K. (n.d.). Think better: Exercise. Karen Postal. https://karenpostal.com/2014-1-28-think-better/
Reynolds, G. (2016, July 28). To boost memory, study, wait, exercise. The New York Times Blog.
Reynolds, K. (2018). How sleep deprivation affects work and performance? HULT International Business School.
University of East Anglia. (2018, July 8). It's official -- spending time outside is good for you. Science Daily.