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Conference Board of Canada e-Library (Database Instruction)

The Conference Board of Canada e-Library is an authoritative source of research on the Canadian economy and business-related topics. The following pages provide a step-by-step introduction to the e-Library for Red River College students and staff.


Webinars are "standalone" presentations that are not related to conferences. Recorded Webinars, like other Conference Board publications, are accessible through our e-Library subscription.

However, Live Webinars are NOT AVAILABLE through the e-Library until 60 days after they have been presented. After 60 days they are added to the list of Recorded Webinars. When we try to view a live webinar we are asked to buy it.

Webinars are usually recorded PowerPoint presentations with sound tracks, similar to conference e-presentations. They may also be videos combined with slide shows, or simply audio presentations with no slides.

We can view a Recorded Webinar by clicking on its "View (free)" link.

Then we click on the "View Webinar" link.

Since recorded webinars originate as "Live" webinars they use Adobe Connect software which allows for interaction with the audience (e.g., question and answer sessions). Audience participation is of course not available in recorded webinars.

Most webinars are divided into sections which are individually accessible through a menu (at left in the picture above).

The webinar can also be advanced, rewound or paused using the controls at the bottom of the screen.

Provide Feedback

Do you have a title to recommend for our collection? Use the Suggest a Purchase form to suggest a book, video or journal.

Are you an RRC Polytech staff or student with suggestions or feedback that can help improve this guide? Please contact this guide's author on the "Getting Started" page.