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Conference Board of Canada e-Library (Database Instruction)

The Conference Board of Canada e-Library is an authoritative source of research on the Canadian economy and business-related topics. The following pages provide a step-by-step introduction to the e-Library for Red River College students and staff.


Conference Board website documents are briefer and less formal than e-Library PDF documents.

If the PDF documents can be thought of as the equivalent of books, the Website documents can be thought of as the equivalent of periodical articles.

We can see a web document by clicking on the "View (free)" link.

Then we click on the "View Website" link.

Like periodical articles Conference Board web documents tend to be narrowly focused but they provide the same authoritative research as other Conference Board publications.

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Are you an RRC Polytech staff or student with suggestions or feedback that can help improve this guide? Please contact this guide's author on the "Getting Started" page.