Instructors are asked to submit two potential dates and times; whenever possible, we try to accommodate the first date. If neither date works, we work with the instructor to find a date that works for everyone. The LI Lead is responsible for working with the instructor to verify the topics covered, dates, times, locations, etc.
If the LI lead is not completing the session, an appropriate staff member will be assigned.
Once confirmed, the LI Lead will email the staff member the confirmed information and a copy will be kept for recordkeeping.
Staff must enter their session in the Sharepoint Staff Absence calendar (the LI Lead can also input the entry if necessary). The standard syntax (in the email below) should be used to maintain scheduling consistency.
The assigned staff member may want to reach out to the instructor if there are atypical requests, to introduce themselves, etc.
The assigned staff will be responsible for preparing their own PowerPoint, though there are templates that can be used.
----- email confirmation sent to assigned staff member -----
CC: coordinator [For scheduling purposes]; LI Lead
Subject: Library Instruction Session
I have you down to do the following session -- if you have any conflicts, please let me know ASAP. I will notify the instructor after you confirm that it works for your schedule.
Date: Aug 30
Location: ONLINE (Webex)
Time: 1:00 - 1:30 (30 minutes)
Contact: Shaun Lysak (
Program: Diagnostic Medical Sonography / Diagnostic Cardiac Sonography –
Class: Diagnostic Medical Sonography Physics 1
Session topics: They have asked for Library orientation (services, equipment, etc.).
Notes: Please be sure to mention the GUIDE for this program (they specifically asked for it).
I have downloaded the presentation I used last time and attached it for your reference and use. You can adapt it as needed.
Attendance Calendar
Please enter this ASAP into the attendance calendar using this formula to keep everything consistent for Bettina:
It is likely some conversation about the session has already happened; however, once the presenter is confirmed, the LI Lead will email the instructor and a copy will be kept for recordkeeping.
----- email confirmation sent to booking instructor -----
CC: [presenter], LI Lead
Subject: Library Instruction Session on Aug 13
Hi Paul.
I am following up on your library instruction session. Fatima will be presenting it to your class.
This is the information I have...
Date: Aug 13
Room: F215 (NDC)
Time: 10:15-11:15 am
Contact: Paul Bourget
Presenter: Fatima DeMelo
If any of this is incorrect or changes, please let us know as soon as possible.
All presenters must put their sessions on the Sharepoint attendance calendar as soon as possible.
A master list is also maintained on the LI Lead's Outlook calendar.
A minimum of two weeks is preferable for all library instruction sessions; however, in some cases, two weeks is mandatory, and more notice is required in a few situations.
September and January - These months are considered peak times for library instruction. Two weeks out is typically already full; instructors are strongly encouraged to book as much as two months in advance (even if they don't have a classroom yet, so long as they know the date and times we can put them on the calendar).
Regional sessions - All sessions requiring travel to regional campuses require a minimum of two weeks; longer is preferred.
Exchange District campus sessions - due to lower staffing at EDC, two weeks is typically required
8am classes - two weeks is required (longer is preferred) to ensure that an additional person is booked to open
9am classes - this timeslot prefers to start at 915 if possible. The second staff member starts at 9am, and the delay allows for transition.
Late sessions
6pm classes - two weeks is required as it will likely require shifting schedules, OT, etc.
We currently do not book sessions starting later than 6pm, nor do we book them on the weekend.