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The information gathered here is to assist with the common workflows used at Red River College Polytech Libraries. This document is not intended to be an all-inclusive manual to performing Library Instruction
Colour Coding
Version |
Date |
Author |
Change description |
0.1 |
2024/5/12 |
RW |
Draft |
0.2 |
2024/07/17 |
RW |
conversion to Springshare format |
Term |
Definition |
LI |
Library Instruction |
LI Lead | The reference technician responsible for coordinating all internal (in-class) library instruction sessions. |
Presenter | The reference technician responsible for facilitating the presentation. They are also responsible for developing the slide deck that will be used to present the session. |
Curriculum | Guidance on the topics and content that will be covered in the various types of sessions we offer. |
LibWizard | The Springshare product used to generate the submission form and statistical outputs |
This document is the property of Red River College Polytech Libraries; as such, all employees shall protect it and the information contained within it from loss, theft and misuse.