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Leadership, Management and Collaborative Practice

This guide is to assist you in researching topics related to understanding leadership as an essential component of professional nursing in all circumstances.


Professional Practice Concepts

Health care settings are complex and continually changing. Every nurse should use system thinking and outside the box philosophy when working in dynamic settings. Common workplace concepts that are consistent with the experiences of the professional nurse are explored.

Professional Practice topics:

  • Quality Improvement,
  • Conflict,
  • Accreditation,
  • Delegation,
  • Staffing,
  • Organizational Culture,
  • Strategic Planning,
  • The professional role of the nurse and competency information (CNA, CRNM),
  • Change theories

Professional Practice Links

Professional Practice Videos

Defining Quality: Aiming for a Better Health Care System

So you want to improve the quality of health care. But what, specifically, should you aim to improve? In this video, IHIs Former CEO Don Berwick describes a 2001 report by the Institute of Medicine, Crossing the Quality Chasm, that laid the foundation for health care reform all over the world.

Quality Improvement in Healthcare

Presentation by Dr. Mike Evans, staff physician at St. Michael's Hospital and an Associate Professor of Family Medicine. He is a Scientist at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute and has an endowed Chair in Patient Engagement and Childhood Nutrition at the University of Toronto.

‘Doctor in a box’ is changing Canadian health care

Imagine not having access to a doctor and the only way you can receive care is if you travel hundreds of kilometres. Now a program in Saskatchewan is harnessing the power of medical robotics to bring care to patients in remote communities. As Allison Vuchnich reports – what they have pioneered in that province – may be the future for the rest of Canada.

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