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Interprofessional Practice Guide

Interprofessional collaborative practice is achieved when health disciplines from different professional backgrounds work together with patients, families and communities to deliver high-quality care in healthcare setting.


Interprofessional Practice Guide

Stronger Together

Stronger Together is a phrase that represents the value and power of collaboration. Interprofessional collaborative practice is achieved when health disciplines from different professional backgrounds work together with patients, families and communities to deliver high-quality care in healthcare settings (World Health Organization [WHO], 2010). Collaborative practice is an essential competency for all healthcare team members. This library guide has been developed for both instructors and students in the RRC Polytech nursing program to ensure high-quality and evidenced-based resources are used to support student learning of concepts based on Interprofessional Practice.

Thanks, and enjoy!

Go Beyond the Guide

CIHC Competency Framework for Advancing Collaboration

The Canadian Interprofessional Healthcare Collaborative [CIHC] defines interprofessional collaboration (IPC) as “a partnership between a team of healthcare providers in a participatory, collaborative and coordinated approach to shared decision-making around health and social issues” (CIHC, 2010). Its six interdependent domains include many descriptors that apply to the persons participating in or receiving care/services. A supplementary guide will support the engagement of persons and their families in team collaboration (CIHC, 2024). The CIHC framework has been adopted across Canada in most healthcare settings. The CRNM and CNA also recognize it as an essential tool that nurses utilize daily. The CRNM and CNA position statement is located in the library guide.

Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative. (2024). National interprofessional competency framework for advancing collaboration
World Health Organization. (2010). Framework for action on interprofessional education and collaborative practice.