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PubMed (Database Instruction)

This guide will assist you in using PubMed's new interface. PubMed is a free database that contains more than 30 million citations and abstracts of peer-reviewed biomedical literature.

Advanced Search Builder

Advanced search is a bit different than what you may be familiar with using OneSearch or Ebscohost. Advanced Search Builder has only two boxes but unlimited potential. 


















1. Field tags - select a field tag to apply to the entire search line. If you want to apply a tag to just a term within the search line then you can manual enter the tag to the term. Ex. Smith[au] (More about field tags)

2. Search builder - combine terms, tags, and boolean operators to build the search line. You will combine multiple search lines to make a completed search. You may be familiar with OneSearch, which provides you three search line boxes, and then automatically combines them. This is a bit different. 

3. Click ADD to add the search line to the Query Box. once you have at least one search line in the box you can select to Add with a specific Boolean operator, Ex  (searchline #1) AND (searchline#2)

4. Query box - this is where you will compile search lines to form your complete query. Each search line will be enclosed within brackets and separated by a Boolean operator

5. Once your search is complete - click SEARCH

Here is an example of building a search using Advanced Search Builder