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Academic Supports for Students with Disabilities

Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment – Students with Disabilities (CSG):

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the CSG?

CSG stands for the Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment – Students with Disabilities. Students who have a Manitoba Student Aid-verified permanent disability, can apply for the CSG to receive funding for a variety of services and equipment to support them in their studies, including tutoring. For information on eligibility requirements and how to apply, please visit this website.

I qualify for the CSG, but do I need to apply for the CSG to access tutoring from the ASC?

No, but the number of sessions with an assigned ASC tutor will be limited. Students referred to the ASC by an Accessibility Specialist may access up to 8 hours of free tutoring and/or up to 4 hours of academic coaching sessions per term*, when qualified staff are available**.

If you expect you will need more than 8 sessions with a tutor per term , you are strongly encouraged to apply for funding for tutoring services through the CSG. Application processing times can be delayed at busy times of the year, so be sure to meet with your Accessibility Specialist and submit your application as soon as possible, before the start of your classes.

* In most cases, a "term" will be 15 weeks in duration. In cases where a student's enrolled program or course doesn't follow a 15 week term schedule, the number of free tutoring hours are calculated as follows:

Study Period Duration Free Tutoring Hours with Assigned ASC Staff Tutor
Program has two terms per academic year (Most RRCP, full-time programs) Eight (8) hours of tutoring per 15 week term for a total of 16 hours over the course of the academic year.
Programs has three terms per academic year (i.e Nursing) Six (6) hours of tutoring in each 12 week term for a total of 18 hours over the course of the academic year.
Apprenticeship Manitoba  8-10 week programs Eight (8) hours of tutoring for the duration of the program. Note that Apprenticeship MB programs are not eligible for CSG funding.
Continuing / Distance Ed. programs: The number of free tutoring hours will be based on the expected duration of the course. Please refer to the email containing the tutor's contact information for the number of sessions you may schedule with the assigned tutor.

These limits only apply to TUTORING hours with an assigned ASC staff tutor. Any student referred to the ASC for Academic Coaching can access up to four sessions with their assigned coach, in addition to tutoring.

** The ASC cannot guarantee that a tutor will be available for all courses taught at RRCP. To find out if an ASC tutor is available for your course, take a look at our staff tutor list, or contact us through this form.

How many tutoring hours can I receive funding for through the CSG?

For a full-time student, the CSG can provide funding for up to 2 hours of tutoring per week, per course, for the duration of the approved study period (typically one academic term or year). Students with a permanent disability qualify for 'full-time' student status with a 40% or greater course load.

For details on how to apply for the CSG and how these funds can be used, visit this Manitoba Student Aid webpage. When you are ready to apply, book an appointment with a Red River College Polytechnic Accessibility Specialist to go over the costing details required in your CSG application.

How much does tutoring cost at Red River College Polytechnic?

Red River College Polytechnic tutoring fees are $41 / hour. For information about College fees and how to pay them, go here.

I've applied for CSG funding for tutoring, but I haven't received the money in my bank account, yet. What do I do if I need more than eight free tutoring hours before my CSG funding is approved?

To avoid a disruption in your tutoring schedule, the ASC must be notified if your CSG funding will not be deposited in your bank account before your eight free tutoring sessions have been used. If you require an extension, use this contact form to submit an extension request to the Tutoring Services Supervisor. You may also contact your Accessibility Specialist, who can make a request on your behalf. Once an extension request has been received and processed by the ASC, you will receive an email to confirm the approval.

Please note that any tutoring hours granted beyond the initial eight free sessions will be tracked and charged to the student once their CSG funding has been confirmed, or at the conclusion of their study period, which ever is sooner.

I've received my CSG approval letter from Manitoba Student Aid. What do I need to do next?

Before you can access any CSG funded tutoring hours through the ASC, you must verify receipt of your CSG award. To do so, please send a copy of your Grant Approval Letter by email to the campus Accessibility Services Office.

Once your Grant Approval Letter has been received and processed by the ASC, you will be sent an email informing you of your revised weekly tutoring allotment that you may arrange with your assigned tutor. You will also start to receive periodic invoices for CSG funded services through HUB. Invoices for academic services are sent out approximately once per term.

Keep copies of each invoice and receipt issued to you by the College, as these documents are required by MSA at the end of your study period. For a guide on how to locate and pay your invoices and download copies of the invoices and receipts, visit this page on our website.

Manitoba Student Aid sent me a "Tutoring Receipt Form". What should I do with this document?

The tutoring receipt form is intended for when a student arranges tutoring on their own through a private individual or tutoring agency and fees are paid to the tutor or agency out of pocked by the student. MSA provides this form for tracking the money that has been paid out of your CSG tutoring budget and to calculate the remainder that must be returned to MSA at the end of your study period.

When tutoring is provided by Academic Success Centre staff, students are billed for services through HUB, just as they would be for any other college fees. Because ASC tutors do not handle the tutoring fees directly, the MSA Tutoring Receipt Form cannot be used when working with ASC tutors.

To replace this document, the ASC provides a similar form containing the session dates, tutor names, and course information for each CSG funded tutoring session at the end of the funded study period. This document, along with copies of the receipts must be sent to MSA at the end of the study period.

I've received a bill for my CSG funded services. How do I pay it?

Fees for academic services such as tutoring can be paid online through HUB, or in person at any Student Service Centre location on campus. For a guide on how to access and pay your invoices in HUB, please view this page on our website.

My study period has ended, and I need to report my total tutoring fees to Manitoba Student Aid. Where can I find the documents I require? What do I need to do next?

For students who received tutoring or other academic services through the ASC, there are two types of documents they need to give to Manitoba Student Aid at the end of their study period:

Documents Required by Manitoba Student Aid How to Access
Copies of all RECEIPTS to verify payment has been received by RRCP for academic services.

Download copies of your receipts from HUB > Payments and Profile

Or, drop by a Student Service Centre on campus.

An Accessibility Services Tutoring Report Form, issued and signed by the Tutoring Services Supervisor. At the end of your study period, request this document by emailing Chris Harder, Tutoring Services Supervisor (
It is the responsibility of the student who received the CSG award to provide an accurate and complete account of how their CSG funds were used at the end of their study period. Submitting inaccurate or incomplete documentation to MSA may result in students being penalized and placed in over-award status until the outstanding funds have been recouped. This may result in CSG funding for tutoring being withheld until resolved.


For instructions on how to locate and pay your tutoring bills and access other documentation required by Manitoba Student Aid when reconciling your CSG  award, go here.