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Writing Centre

A staff an student are having a conversation. Text reads, "Want to improve your writing? Your Library can help with that!"

Writing Tutoring 

The Writing Centre is here to support your development as a writer. Individual tutoring helps you improve your clarity, conciseness, organization, and confidence! 

We can help you at any point in the writing process including the planning stage, draft writing, revisions, referencing, and formatting. We can also offer support if you are simply looking to improve your writing skills. 

Please be aware that while we can help you with developing strategies to edit and revise your writing, we are NOT a proofreading service.  

In addition, writing tutors cannot assist students with cover letters and resumes. If you require support with your cover letter or resume, please contact Career Services

What to Expect: 

You do not need to have everything written to meet with a writing tutor. However, the more you can bring to the meeting, the more you can achieve!  

Please bring the following: 

  • Anything you have written or would like your tutor to read (this can also include past work or instructor feedback) 
  • The assignment instructions 
  • Supplies for taking notes 
  • Your questions 

Tutoring appointments are only 30 minutes so you should not expect to read through an entire assignment in one session. Try to focus your questions on a single section at a time. 

Tutoring appointments are currently delivered online or in-person.