NBC’s campy daytime drama Passions offered a very special solution to the nursing shortage: an orangutan. From 2003 until 2005, the monkey played the role of Precious, a private duty nurse. Character Beth Wallace hired Precious to replace her invalid mother’s previous nurse, who had blabbed Beth’s evil secrets. ...
Previous research has highlighted stereotypical images around nursing, such as the battle‐axe, naughty nurse and handmaiden. More recent research focuses on images of nurses who are men, because of the growing numbers of men in the nursing workforce. Given that negative images can harm recruitment and retention in the profession, ...
Elizabeth Robinson on "Understanding Stereotypes and the Role of the Nurse"
Elizabeth Robinson provides insight on how we view a nurse.
Much existing research has shown that men are able to construct and enact masculine identities in female‐dominated occupational contexts. However, few studies have examined the experiences of both men and women in these occupations. Furthermore, few studies attend to how men and women in these occupations both conform to and resist gender norms. In this study, I draw on the undoing gender frameworks developed by Deutsch and Butler to address the limitations mentioned above.
Nursing is a profoundly gendered institution embedded within a patriarchal healthcare system and society. The gender binary—believing that there are only two genders that stem from only two types of anatomical bodies—is still largely taken‐for‐granted, unacknowledged and firmly lodged in the nursing curriculum, nursing practice and nursing policies. The gender binary is embedded in our language in the form of gendered pronouns...
Complaints against nurses can be made on several grounds and orders, including removal from the registry of nurses, can be made as a result of these complaints. Boundary violations generally relate to complaints around criminal charges, unsatisfactory professional conduct or professional misconduct or a lack of good character. This article explores the spectrum of boundary violations in the nurse–patient relationship...