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Interprofessional Practice Guide

Interprofessional collaborative practice is achieved when health disciplines from different professional backgrounds work together with patients, families and communities to deliver high-quality care in healthcare setting.

Team Functioning


Team Functioning

COMPETENCY STATEMENT: Learners/ practitioners understand the principles of teamwork dynamics and group/team processes to enable effective interprofessional collaboration. (CIHC's National Interprofessional Competency Framework)


Image source: RRC Polytech Flickr


Reports & Publications

Library Resources

Videos & Media

Collaboration in Health Care: The Journey of an Accidental Expert? | Joy Doll | TEDxCreightonU 

Interprofessional education is a team-based approach to care drawing upon the shared knowledge of health care professionals to deliver better patient care. Creighton alumna Joy Doll is at the helm of innovative clinical care at Creighton as the executive director of the Center for Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research. Creighton is one of the first in the nation to provide interprofessional education—a team-based approach to care drawing upon the shared knowledge of health care professionals to deliver better patient care.

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