This collection of films includes short and long documentaries and fiction. The films feature experiences of immigrants and refugees to Canada, their settlement and cross-cultural challenges, and barriers and opportunities presented by changes in immigration policies and processes.
Click on the hyperlinked titles below to read the film descriptions and access each film.
19 Days by Asha Siad & Roda Siad
24 Days in Brooks by Dana Inkster
#6261 (English Version) by Kimura Byol-Nathalie Lemoine
Everybody's Children by Monika Delmos
From Sherbrooke to Brooks - Inside a Migration Corridor by Roger Parent
Last Chance by Paul Émile d'Entremont
Passport to Canada by Roger Blais
Strangers for the Day by Georges Dufaux & Jacques Godbout
Teach Me to Dance by Anne Wheeler
Do you have a title to recommend for our collection? Use the Suggest a Purchase form to suggest a book, video or journal.
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