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Modules for LEARN Courses

Library Basics (Learn Module)

Library Basics Icon

The resources available through Library and Academic Services can be mysterious and daunting at times to new students. Our newly revised Library Basics course aims to demystify our resources and the search process to enable students to effectively use the library and prepare for searches whether it’s on OneSearch or Google. 

The revised course includes reflection questions, short quizzes at the end of each module, videos, and information in written and visual forms. The end goal is to ensure students have the skills in place to begin their research and how to use and evaluate tools while gathering information. 

Content Contact: Rosemary Woodby 


Module Details


Module 1: Accessing the Library

  • Locate library materials or services
  • Recognize how to access our resources
  • Identify the ways to connect with the library 

Module 2: Preparing Your Search

  • Develop research topics and establish the research question.
  • Label assignment boundaries to help focus your search process.
  • Identify where to find keywords.
  • Define how to use common Boolean operators (AND/OR/NOT) used in search statements.
  • Identify the types and formats of sources encountered in research.

Module 3: Searching

  • Identify the benefits and drawbacks of using internet tools versus subscription databases
  • Outline best practices for using tools like Wikipedia, Google, and Google Scholar in academic settings.
  • Locate and apply OneSearch features. 
  • Distinguish the appropriate tool to find a specific type of information, i.e. using web-based sources like Statistics Canada to find current census results.  

Module 4: Evaluate Your Search Results

  • Explain why a source is credible
  • Demonstrate source evaluation using one of the frameworks
  • Identify the challenges of identifying sources to help cultivate good search habits
  • Identify and evaluate different types of web-based sources

Course Content Overview 

Module 1: Accessing the Library 

  • Student cards and Credentials 
  • The Website 
  • Library and Academic Services Basics 

Module 2: Preparing Your Search 

  • Identify your search boundaries 
  • Creating a research question 
  • Identify Your Keywords 
  • Putting the Search Together 

Module 3: Searching 

  • Choosing Where to Search 
  • OneSearch Basics 

Module 4: Evaluate Your Search Results 

  • Evaluating Search Results 
  • Before You Get Started 
  • How to Use Frameworks 
  • CRAAP 
  • SIFT 
  • CARS 
  • ACT UP 
  • Lateral Reading