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Use the Library

Installing Library Printers (PC)

Step 1 is to Install the "Papercut" software

Please follow this instruction:

Do not skip this! You need the Papercut client to ensure you will be able to print.

Setup the Printers

Step 1

Open a File Explorer window and go to one of the the following addresses

  • Notre Dame Campus Library:  \\
  • Exchange District Campus Library:  \\

File Explorer window with arrow pointing to the address bar stating \\

Step 2

Browse to find one of the Library printers:

  • Notre Dame Campus Library:
    • NDC_LIB_EQ_Copier
      (Colour printing capable, located near the Library main entrance)
  • Exchange District Campus Library:
      (Colour printer, located in the Main Library on the 2nd Floor, across from the reference desk)

Double-click the printer you wish to install.  If you are asked to authenticate, refer to the section below.

Step 3

When requested to authenticate to the server, use your normal RRC username and password.  Make sure you include "academic\" in front of your username.

Windows security popup with username and password filled in.


Username: academic\jdoe45

Password: your regular RRC password