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Use the Library


Red River College Polytechnic uses the "Papercut" system to manage the costs incurred from of student printing. You need to deposit funds in your Papercut account to be able to print or photocopy.

There is a separate page for scanning.

How Much Does Printing Cost?

Black and White

8.5 x 11 (letter) 8.5 x 14 (legal) 11 x 17 (tabloid)
1-sided $0.15 1-sided $0.15 1-sided $0.20
2-sided $0.30 2-sided $0.30 2-sided $0.40


8.5 x 11 (letter) 8.5 x 14 (legal) 11 x 17 (tabloid)
1-sided $0.20 1-sided $0.75 1-sided $1.00
2-sided $0.50 2-sided $1.50 2-sided $2.00

Library Printers

Exchange District Campus Library

  • The colour multi-function printer/copier PSCLIB_PRT4 is located in the library on the second floor of Roblin Centre.

Notre Dame Campus Library

  • The colour multi-function printer/copier NDC_LIB_EQ_Copier is located in the front area of the library, just to the left as you walk in the main doors.

Can I Print From My Laptop?

Your can print directly to Library printers from your personal laptop. However, there is a two-step setup process.

Step 1: Install Papercut software on your laptop::  Image of a Xerox 7855 printer/photocopier on top, and a Xerox Phaser 4622 on to bottom

Step 2: Add the printer to your laptop:

* If you ever reset your RRC password, you will need to re-install the printers, as they will be created using the old password. *

Web Printing

Instead of installing software, if you want to quickly send a document to a college printer try Web Printing.

  1. Log in to Papercut
  2. In the left-hand menu look for an option called "Web Print."
  3. Click "Submit a Job" and follow the instructions.

IMPORTANT! Web Print does not work with an iPad or Chromebook. 

If you have problems printing from your device, try using a lab computer to print.