Thesaurus - The Thesaurus is a subject listing with options for Keywords, People and Places.
Type your word(s) in the BROWSE window, which is below the Search window at the top of the screen.
Matching results are retrieved in either an alphabetic, term-containing or relevancy-ranked list, depending on your choice. Alphabetic is the default and easiest to begin with.
Select an option by clicking on it and then clicking on Browse for results.
Results will display as shown.
The search term, 'corporate culture' is a subject term in this database. You can click on the check mark next to it, and then by clicking on Search you will be taken to a list of results, all of which have 'corporate culture' as a subject term.
Alternately, you can select a number of terms and search for them all together; this may be more relevant if you are searching by 'Term contains' or 'Relevancy Ranked'.
Alternately, you can click on the term CORPORATE culture to see the Scope Note, which defines the subject and how it is used in the database. Also shown are any Broader, Narrower and Related terms to allow you to make your search more specific.
Select any of these by checking the box(es) beside the term(s) and then the Search button at the top of the page.
Your search terms are inserted into the top window with the descriptor coding, Boolean operators, and phrases in quotation marks in the first search box.
The search results for any articles containing these descriptors (subject terms) show in the result list.
You can add in additional words, phrases, etc on second and subsequent lines to make your search narrower, and also limit to full-text, peer review, etc. as with any other search.