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Business Source Complete (BSC) (Database Instruction)

Business Source Complete is a comprehensive database containing thousands of full-text journals and magazines, e-books, case studies, industry reports, market research reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses, and more.


The more button allows you to access detailed Company Profiles, Images/Business Videos, Indexes and Library Holdings.  

Images/Business Videos retrieves articles containing this media and shows a preview for each result.

Indexes allows you to search by specific indexes and see terms in an alphabetic list. Library Holdings should not be used; rather, limit searches to full text to retrieve what the Library has access to through digital and print formats.

Company Profiles allows you to search for detailed reports for companies. This is one of the most powerful features of Business Source Complete. A huge number of MarketLine and Medtrack reports are available for viewing and downloading.  

Search in the Company Profiles window.  If you know the common name of a company but don't see a matching result, change the search from Alphabetical to Match Any Word and you may retrieve better results as shown. 


Company names appear in a list, with a corresponding report; MarketLine reports are available as PDFs for you to download and save.  


These reports contain a wealth of information, such as Company Overview, Key Facts, Business Description, History, Key Employees, Key Employee Biographies, Major Products & Services, Top Competitors, Company View and Locations and subsidiaries.