Check out these related guides.
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), a month dedicated to raising awareness about the prevalence and impacts of sexual violence and to share information about available resources to support survivors of sexual violence.
Red River College is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all members of our College community. This includes a working and learning environment free from all forms of sexual violence.
We’ve designed this library guide on Sexual Violence Awareness -- Education, Prevention and Supports as a jumping-off point for research and resources related to sexual assault and other forms of sexual violence. Our goal of sexual assault awareness and prevention extends well beyond the month of April, and we will continue to add to this guide over time.
Within the guide, you will find books, ebooks, videos, websites, and more on topics related to the larger theme of sexual violence.
Don’t forget to check out the related guides for similar topics.
** Please note that some of the resources referenced throughout this guide may be based outside of Canada and may not offer services to Manitoba residents. In such cases, the resources are included for information purposes only. On-campus and local supports are listed under the “General Resources” page.
If you have questions concerns related to Red River College's Sexual Violence Policy or are seeking information about making a report of campus sexual violence, contact Resource and Resolution Advisor, or visit the RRC'S No Wrong Door microsite for more information and supports.
Resource and Resolution Advisor
We would like to thank the following staff members for their invaluable suggestions and contributions to this guide: Breanna Sawatzky (Mental Health Coordinator), Priyanji Mediwake (Diversity and Inclusion Specialist), Carla Kematch (Truth and Reconciliation Manager), Nolin Turenne and Mark Unruh (Counselling Services).