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Sexual Violence Awareness -- Education, Prevention and Supports

We’ve designed this library guide on Sexual Violence Awareness -- Education, Prevention and Supports as a jumping-off point for research and resources related to sexual assault and other forms of sexual violence.


Black, Indigenous, and
People of Colour 

The following resources examine sexual assault and other forms of sexual violence, as experienced by Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour. These resources are included throughout the guide but have been consolidated here as well for ease of review.

Systemic oppression based on race and gender has meant that certain groups of women, including Indigenous and racialized women, disproportionately experience sexual assault and acts of sexual violence. It is important to understand these realities and risk factors in order to address underlying violence, plan successful preventative interventions, and to provide culturally-sensitive care. 

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Web-based Video Resources

Gender-Based Violence Through an Intersectional Lens

This presentation will provide a quick overview of pop culture and the media’s continuation and perpetuation of sexual violence, highlighting the interrelationship of anti-black racism, colorism, fatphobia and disability. Participants will leave having a better understanding of the erasure experienced by survivors from BIPOC communities and resources and tools to better show up as allies.

Why is violence against Indigenous women and girls everyone’s concern?

In 2015, Prime Minster Justin Trudeau called a National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. And that came after 40 years of activism on the part of Indigenous women. Over that period, there were significant numbers of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls across Canada. They are about four per cent of the population, but they make up about 15 to 20 per cent of the homicide cases in this country. ...

Reports, Papers and Articles

Library Resources

Recommended Websites

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