Individual and group tutoring is available for a variety of courses, free of charge to all current RRC Polytech students. To search for a tutor for your course, follow these steps.
1. Log in to HUB, then locate the TracCloud app in the 'Applications' list. Click the link to launch the TracCloud app.
2. Locate the "Book an appointment with a course tutor" widget on the TracCloud dashboard.
3. Choose a 'centre', or leave this field blank to search all available centres at once.
Course Tutoring Services | Peer Tutoring |
4. Choose a course from the list. .If your course doesn't appear in the list, then we don't have a tutor for it at this time. The ASC cannot guarantee that a tutor will be available for all courses.
5. Click 'Search' to view the the available appointment slots for your course.Click on an time slot to open the booking page.
6. Let your tutor know what you'd like work on in the session. Enter this information in the notes. Click 'confirm' to book the appointment.
After an appointment is booked, a confirmation email will be sent to the student and tutor. Please check the confirmation email for the details for your appointment. If your tutoring appointment is online, a link to the online Webex meeting will be included in the email.
For help more help with TracCloud appointments, visit this page on our website.