Tutoring Policies
Please read the Red River College Polytechnic Tutoring policies. If you have any questions, please contact tutoring@rrc.ca, or ask your tutor for clarification.
Content tutoring available to students:
Individual & group appointments |
Current students can schedule up to two appointments with a staff tutor and/or two appointments with a peer tutor, per week. The appointments are to be on different days. By default, peer tutoring is one-on-one, and staff tutoring is in a group. However, if no other students join the booking for staff tutoring, it reverts to a one-on-one session. This is available when qualified tutors are present. To search for a tutor for your course, go to --> TracCloud. |
On campus drop-in tutoring |
Drop in tutoring, on campus at the Exchange District and Notre Dame campuses, Help Desk and Review Workshop schedules for each campus are posted on our website, or search for the drop in times for your course in TracCloud.
Referred Tutoring Supports |
Individualized academic supports for students who are referred to the ASC by an Accessibility Specialist, or course instructor.
If you are a student with a disability who requires academic supports, book an appointment with an Accessibility Specialist to seek a referral for tutoring supports. For more information about accessibility tutoring supports, visit this page on our website.
Students who are identified as needing extra support by their course instructor may be referred to the Academic Success Centre for individual tutoring through an Academic Alert referral. For more information about the ASC's Academic Alert program, visit this page on our website.
Tutoring Appointments:
- Students at Red River College Polytechnic may book up to two tutoring appointments with a staff tutor or peer tutor each week, when a qualified tutor is available.
- Multiple 1:1 tutoring appointments on the same day with the same tutor is not permitted.
- Students must pre-register to a attend in-person study group sessions.
- Tutoring appointments are booked through TracCloud which students can access through the HUB 'Applications' list.
Appointment Cancellation Policy:
- If you are unable to attend an appointment, you can cancel up to 24 hours prior to your appointment start time without it being counted as a missed appointment. For insructions on how to cancel an appoinment, visit this page. Please note that three (3) appointment cancellations within a 21-day period will result in a suspension from booking future appointments.
- In circumstances where you cannot provide 24 hours notice (sickness, emergency), please email your tutor directly as soon as possible. You can find your tutor's email address in the appointment confirmation email you received when booking the appointment.
- Appointments cancelled with less than 24 notice will be counted as a missed appointment. Three (3) missed appointments within a 90 day period will result in a suspension from booking future appointments. If you are unable book tutoring because you have missed three or more appointments,or believe there is an error with your account, contact tutoring@rrc.ca for assistance.
- For instructions for how to cancel an appointment, visit this page.
Appointment No-Show Policy:
- If you do not cancel your appointment and do not show up, it will count as a missed appointment. Three (3) missed appointments within a 90 day period will result in a suspension from booking future appointments. If you are unable book tutoring because you have missed three or more appointments,or believe there is an error with your account, contact tutoring@rrc.ca for assistance.
Appointment Late Policy:
- If you are going to be late for a tutoring appointment, please contact your tutor ahead of time. For individual tutoring sessions, if you do not arrive to your meeting within 15 minutes of the appointment start time, it will be counted as a missed appointment and the remainder of the tutoring appointment will be cancelled.