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Academic Success Centre

Tutoring Services

Tutoring Tips

Making the Most of Your Tutoring Session

Before your tutoring session

  1. Seek help early. Plan ahead to ensure you can connect with a tutor for your course at a time that works best for you. Tutoring is rarely a 'quick fix' - so, to get the most out of tutoring, plan to meet for at least two or three sessions before a major due date or test. This will allow enough time for your tutor to understand what you are trying to achieve, and work through the material in a manner and pace that appeals to your individual learning needs and preferences. 

  2. Come prepared, with questions. Tutoring sessions differ from in-class instruction in that tutoring is 'student-centred'; meaning that the material addressed in a tutoring session directly relates to the individual learning needs of the individual tutee. Whereas a course instructor sets the agenda for their class based on a course syllabus; in a tutoring session, the tutor will look to the tutee to identify the content or skills to focus on in the tutoring session. Having questions prepared in advance will ensure that you can use your session time effectively. Also, the questions you bring help your tutor to gauge your existing knowledge of a topic and identity knowledge gaps that will inform how they approach the content.

  3. Bring your materials. Bring any materials or equipment you need such as textbooks, calculator, laptop, etc.Tutors do not have access to current textbooks for every class they tutor. It is the tutee's responsibility to come prepared with any learning resources they need to conduct the tutoring session.

During your tutoring session

  1. Play an active role in your session. Ask questions if you don’t understand any material that your tutor discusses during the session. Remember, your tutor is relying on you to help them to identify the knowledge and skill areas that you need to build upon. The tutoring session should not just be used to complete your homework! Tutors cannot help with questions assigned for homework, but can provide relevant examples of assigned questions to help you work through and understand a concept.

  2. Seek connections to other topics you are learning or have learned. Look for connections with other topics you are learning in your program. Tutors are broadly aware of the courses that are included in RRC Polytech programs and can often help make challenging concepts clearer by making connections to other areas of knowledge in your program of study. Understanding the big picture will help you remember and recall the information for tests and exams.

  3. Make your tutoring session effective. Stay on topic and don’t be distracted by things you cannot change. Courses can be challenging and the material difficult, but it is your responsibility as a student to do the best you can despite any concerns you may have with the textbook, instructor or course delivery.

After your tutoring session

  1. Leave time at the end of your tutoring session for any critical, final questions you have until your next tutoring session. 

  2. Write down any outstanding questions or concepts to return to in your next tutoring session.

  3. Plan when you will meet for your next tutoring session, if necessary.

Tutoring - Frequently Asked Questions

What can a tutor help me with during a session?

Tutoring is intended to supplement and support the in-class instruction students receive from their course instructors. To get the most out of tutoring, students should be attending class, and in regular contact with their instructors for directions about coursework.

Tutors can help students master the fundamentals of their coursework, so they have a solid foundation when the subject matter gets more complex. Here are three key ways tutoring can be beneficial to students:

  1. Improved performance. Working with a tutor offers additional individualized learning to support the classroom experience. It can also help students improve their grades on assignments.
  2. Enhanced organization. A tutor can help a student stay on track with scheduling and completing assignments.
  3. Comfort and confidence. Students who might not ask a question in class may feel more comfortable asking questions with a tutor.

Below are some examples of things tutors do and don't help with in the context of a tutoring session. Topics in the 'Tutors Don't' column are better addressed by your course instructor other college resources.

Tutors Do: Tutors Don't:
  • Review material you have learned in class.
  • Provide feedback, to help identify areas for improvement.
  • Challenge you to develop your knowledge, understanding and skills.
  • Recommend other campus resources to help you be successful.
  • Work on homework questions for marks.
  • Direct how to complete an assignment or project.
  • Provide input on anything to be submitted for grades.
  • Assist with content that is not related to a course a student is taking.
  • Provide feedback on resumes or cover letters. (Please contact Career Services with any employment related questions.)

How much does tutoring cost?

The following tutoring services are provided free of charge to current RRC Polytech students:

Follow the links above for details on how to search for and book a tutoring appointment or to view the current Review Workshop and Help Desk schedules.

Students who are referred to the Academic Success Centre by an Accessibility Specialist on campus may receive extended tutoring support on a fee for service basis when funded through the Canada Student Grant for for Services and Equipment - Students with Disabilities, or other approved sponsor. If you are a student with a disability, and require academic supports, services or accommodations, including tutoring, please register with Accessibility Services to book an appointment to arrange a referral to the ASC.

If you are a student with a disability who has received funding for tutoring, please visit this web page for details on how tutoring fees are issued and processed.

How do I find a tutor, workshop or help desk for my course?

Students can search for and book tutoring appointments through TracCloud. A link to TracCloud can also be found in the HUB applications list. 

If you are unable to find a tutor for your course, you can submit a Tutoring and Coaching Request form and someone form the ASC will get back to you within three business days.

Weekly Review Workshop and Drop-in Help Desk schedules for the Notre Dame and Exchange District campuses are also listed on our website.

While the ASC aims to have tutors for the most common and challenging subjects taught at RRCP, we cannot guarantee that we will have tutors available for all subjects.

How often can I meet with a tutor?

Tutoring Appointments: Students may book up to two appointments per week with a peer or staff tutor through TracCloud. Individual or group tutoring sessions may be booked up to two weeks in advance. Multiple appointments for the same course or with the same tutor cannot be booked on the same day.

Drop in Tutoring: Review workshops and Help Desk sessions are open to all, no appointment necessary. Space at drop in tutoring sessions is limited, and provided on a first-come-first-served basis. so be sure to arrive early to ensure you get a seat at the session.

Review workshops are focused on a single course, so students should be currently registered in the course to fully benefit from the workshop. Help Desk sessions are organized around subject areas such as Trades Math, Physical Science, Advanced Math, and Business and Accounting.

How do I meet my tutor?

Tutoring Appointments:  Tutoring appointments can be either on campus at the Notre Dame or Exchange District libraries, or online. For current library hours, please visit this web page.

On the day of your tutoring appointment, go to the location listed in the confirmation email received when the appointment was booked. If you have any questions about how or when to meet your tutor, email the tutor directly at the address provided in the confirmation email.

Online tutoring sessions are delivered via Webex or Microsoft Teams. For instructions on how to meet your tutor online, please click here.

Drop-in Tutoring: For Review workshop or Help Desk times and locations at your campus, check the schedules posted on our website.

Can a tutor help me with my writing assignments?

Yes! Support for writing assignments in any program is available through the ASC's Writing and English Language Centre. Appointments with for Writing or English Language supports can be booked through TracCloud, If you are unable to locate a tutor for the date or time you need, please send an email to (for help with writing assignments) or (for English language support) and someone will get back to you within 3 business days.