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Self-Directed Learning

Research Papers (Learn Module)

Research Papers IconAcademic writing can be a challenge for both new and experienced students. Students often do not know where to begin an assignment, how to properly edit their work, or how to meet formatting requirements. These are writing roadblocks which can lead to a diminished quality of work. This module aims to help students learn the writing process, specifically for research papers.

The module starts by showing students strategies for researching and choosing a topic. It then moves into the pre-writing stage where students will learn how to plan their research paper. Next, the module discusses methods for writing each section of a paper and how to edit and revise a draft. Lastly, students will learn about proper referencing, in-text citations, and formatting.

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Module Details

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the components of the writing process
  • Learn how to successfully choose a topic
  • Successfully plan a research paper
  • Confidently write each major section of a research paper
  • Learn strategies for proper editing and revising
  • Understand the significance and procedures of referencing

Course Content

  • Researching
  • Pre-writing
  • Writing
  • Editing and revising
  • Referencing and citing
  • Formatting


The Research Papers module features supplemental learning content from LinkedIn Learning, text-based resources created at Red River College Polytechnic and various other academic institutions, webpages, and videos. All of these resources will help students understand the writing process, specifically as it relates to research papers.