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Academic Coaching and Study Skills

Study Skills

Do you want to improve your study and test taking skills? If so, know you’re not alone! Many students come to the Academic Success Centre to get help to study more effectively. Take a look at the resources in the Academic Study Skills guide below for strategies that can help you as you complete your coursework.

You can also connect with an Academic Coach for a personal meeting to discuss your study, self-management and test taking skills. And check our Student Blog now called Academic Coach's Corner with more helpful strategies to be successful at College!

Academic Study Skills Guide

Screenshot of Academic Study Skills Guide

College is exciting, but it can be a lot of work for students! Completing all your work and balancing other responsibilities can be challenging. However, you can mitigate this challenge through habits, study skills and time management and concentration tips. 

Take a look at the resources in the Academic Study Skills guide to increase your understanding of course material, improve your marks, and make learning a little less stressful. Here you will find strategies for time management, reading and note-taking, study skills, and test-taking.

The guide also includes recommended self-directed tutorials, videos, books, ebooks, websites, and many more resources.

If you have any questions, or would like to request any academic supports, please don’t hesitate to contact us by completing this form or emailing us directly to

Academic Writing and Citation Guide

Screenshot of Academic Writing and Citation Guide

If you’ve come directly from high school or have been out of school for a while, you may find it difficult at first to adjust to the requirements needed for college level writing. Check out the resources on the Academic Writing and Citation guide for time-tested strategies on becoming comfortable with the writing process.

In this guide, you will also find resources on APA, MLA, IEEE, and Chicago citation styles, how to use these citation styles, and how to incorporate them into your paper.

Whether fresh out of high school or returning after many years away, writing papers has changed and hearing about plagiarism adds to the anxiety. This guide will also help you to recognize the types of academic dishonesty, with plagiarism as one kind, and identify ways to prevent plagiarism.

Do you need more help with citation, reference Lists, and formatting your paper?  Stop in and chat with the staff at the Library Information Desk (or Click ASK US to chat online), or drop in at a Writing Centre OR Book an Appointment with a Writing Tutor.