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Gender and Sexual Diversity

This guide is to assist you in finding resources related to topics related to gender and sexual diversity within the 2SLGBTQIA+.

What does Transgender and Non-binary mean?

The T in 2SLGBTQIA+ stands for “transgender.”

The transgender and non-binary identities denote a person whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex.  Nonbinary individuals may be considered part of the transgender spectrum and identify with a gender outside of “the male-female gender binary.


Image source: Public domain

Library Resources

Webpages, media, and other resources

How to talk (and listen) to transgender people | Jackson Bird

Gender should be the least remarkable thing about someone, but transgender people are still too often misunderstood. To help those who are scared to ask questions or nervous about saying the wrong thing, Jackson Bird shares a few ways to think about trans issues. And in this funny, frank talk, he clears up a few misconceptions about pronouns, transitioning, bathrooms and more.

Children and youth

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