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How to Request an Interlibrary Loan

Method #1: Requesting Resources from within OneSearch

Step 1.

Sign in -- you must be signed in to your OneSearch account to use Interlibrary Loans. (How to Sign In to OneSearch)


Step 2. 

2a. Find your book or article. When they are not available through the Library collection you will see "Request via Interlibrary Loan (Resource Sharing)" where you would normally see a call number or link to the article. 

2a. Click Request via Interlibrary Loan (Resource Sharing)




















Step 3. 

The Interlibrary Loan form is prepopulated with the required information.
Please review to ensure its correct. particularly your Email address (so we can contact you when it's ready) and Pickup Location (which campus will you collect the item from)

Click Send Request


































You can review your Interlibrary Loan Requests on your OneSearch Account Library Card (How to Check your online Library account - "My Library Card")


Method #2 Requesting Resources from Outside Sources (not OneSearch)

Step 1.

Find item information -  Locate information about the book or article you want to borrow.

We will need the following information about the book you want to borrow. 

  • Title
  • Author
  • publisher
  • ISBN or ISSN

also helpful is

  • Publisher
  • Publishing date
  • Edition
  • Source information such as journal name, issue and volume number (if requesting an article)

This information is typically available on bookseller's webpages such as or Chapters. You can also search other Library Cataglogues for this information. More information about other Libraries.


Step 2. 

Click on the Interlibrary Loan form. You may be prompted to sign-in to your OneSearch Account.


Step 3.

Fill out the form with as much information as you can provide.

Click Send Request.












You can review your Interlibrary Loan Requests on your OneSearch Account Library Card (How to Check your online Library account - "My Library Card")

Picking up your item

How long will it take? 

The amount of time it takes to receive the item depends on where it is coming from. The request form provides a spot for you to say when you need it by – we will do our best to bring in materials within the time frame that they are needed.

Articles typically take 24 hours. Books may take longer as they need to be shipped here.

Will you let me know it's available? 

Once your item has arrived at its desired location, the Library staff will contact you for pickup.

Be sure to bring your student card or ID number with you when you go to pick up the book. 

How long can I borrow the item? 

The borrowing period is determined by the loaning library. They will also determine if renewals can be accommodated. 

How do I return the item? 

You can return it to either RRC Library location.