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Academic Coaching and Study Skills

Academic Coaching

Request an Academic Coach

To request an Academic Coach, please complete the Tutoring and Coaching Request Form. A coach or ASC staff will contact you within 2-business days by email.

What do Academic Coaches do?

Academic Coaches work one-on-one with students to help set and accomplish academic goals by employing research-backed study and motivational strategies.

Your Academic Coach can help you:
  • Set actionable and measurable academic goals.
  • Fine-tune current study strategies and learn new online learning strategies.
  • Improve your ability to retain information and think critically.
  • Explore anti-procrastination tools.
  • Develop organizational techniques.
  • Read and retain your course materials more effectively.
  • Do better on tests and quizzes and provide strategies for dealing with test anxiety.
  • Balance student life with home life.
  • Make self-care a priority.
  • Understand how course work helps achieve your career goals.

What does the Academic Coaching process look like?

Academic Coaching consists of three parts:

  • Your Academic Coach will listen to your goal for the coaching session and your term/academic goal.
  • Your Coach will ask you questions built on the GROW Model. The model will create a pathway to goal completion.   
  • Your Coach will share information on valuable resources and supports at Red River College Polytechnic. It takes a team to succeed and your Coach can help you build your team.​Picture of the Grow Model graph (Goals, Reality, Options, Way Forward)



How often do I meet with my coach?

This depends on your needs. Many students find one session is sufficient to gain the academic or study strategy needed to overcome a barrier. Other students meet regularly with their coach (up to 4 times a term) as they set goals, establish processes for achieving their goals and as they progress and celebrate success.

What is the difference between a Coach and a Tutor?

  • Academic Coaches focus solely on the skills that enable a student’s success, not the content needed to succeed in program. Coaches do not need program-area expertise while tutors are necessarily well versed and highly experienced with program content.
  • Academic Coaches are pro-active and work to ensure students stay on track and meet the promises set out in their learning plan.