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Academic Coaching and Study Skills

Embracing diversity and inclusion in a time of social distancing during COVID-19

Now more than ever we need to come together to help support each other. With a crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic, some individuals may be quicker to cast judgments without knowing all the information first. These moments can be fueled by a lack of patience and increased stress.

Unfortunately, we have been exposed to forms of media that take a racist approach to chronicling the origin of the virus. This perspective is unjust, and it’s important to take a critical approach to understanding the unfolding situation when forming our feelings around these events.

Graph with four stages in the self-awareness process: Something's Up!, Suspend Judgement, Make Sense, and Informed ActionAs students (and staff), it’s critical to take charge of being informed and practice inclusion amid the adversity. It’s important that we take the time to reflect on our biases and prejudices and confront them from a critical lens. Self-reflection and understanding the root of one’s prejudices and biases is key for reconciling them, making it especially important to recognize and put on your radar.

It can be hard to be fully confront our biases and unconscious prejudices without self-reflection because we are human. But self-reflection and understanding the root of one’s prejudices and biases is key for reconciling them.



This framework is developed by the Centre for Excellence in Intercultural Education, NorQuest College) and inspired by Personal leadership Cycle (Schetti, Watanabe, and Gordon).


Cody and Chelsey


Check out our blog on Diversity and Inclusion:

How Can I Foster Diversity and Practice Inclusion?