With so many things changing in your courses, you might be reliving that first week of class confusion at finals-week pace.
Here are some things you might want to keep track of for each class:
- Are in-person parts of the class changing?
- What are the in-person parts of this course? (lecture, lab, etc.)
- Where can you find it or how do you access it? (Webex, video lectures, etc.)
- Is it at a specific time or can you watch it anytime? Are assignments changing?
- Are there new due dates? (This LinkedIn Learning video provides tips for creating a master and daily plan https://www.linkedin.com/learning/efficient-time-management/use-a-daily-list?u=75841506.)
- Is how you’re submitting your assignments changing?
- Are any quizzes or exams being offered virtually?
- What should you do if you need help?
- Is your course offering virtual office hours? When and on what platform?
- Is there an online forum for asking questions?
One example of a way you could keep track: