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Academic Coaching and Study Skills

Trying to be mindful during COVID-19

During a time like this it is important to take care of yourself both physically and mentally. Mindfulness is a way for us to take a moment and mentally step away from stress of our new daily routines.

Right now, we are all experiencing different stressors such as the changing to online classes, learning to work from home and manage our own time. You’re probably experiencing some general anxiety given this situation and are looking for new ways to cope.

Mindfulness is a powerful tool right now as we practice social distancing. During times of uncertainty, it’s easy for our minds to wander as the news surrounding the pandemic continues to evolve, and mindfulness is a tool you can use to help keep you focused and on track. Practicing mindfulness can reduce stress, improve concentration, manage emotions and focus to help control your worries and anxieties.

“Mindfulness is the ability to pay attention to what actually matters. It’s hard to imagine a more powerful productivity tool than that” – Sam Harris, PhD

Cody and Chelsey


Check out our blog on Mindfulness:

What is this Mindfulness Everyone Keeps Talking About?