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Academic Coaching and Study Skills

Staying Organized

In order to keep track of all your school and personal events it is important to use a calendar. Google calendar or Outlook are two user-friendly options. Use the calendar to record all assignments, tests, presentations and classes. Break down large assignments into more manageable tasks by adding mini-deadlines to your calendar. Include personal events, such as grocery shopping and online socializing, to make sure you attend to both your physical and emotional well-being. Finally, use your calendar to create a daily schedule to ensure all projects get completed.

Why use a calendar?

  • It helps you:
    • Keep track of school and personal events.
    • Set realistic goals.
    • Prioritize events.
    • Be more productive.

Reflection Question

Ask yourself:

  • How will my life be improved by recording my school and personal events on a calendar?

Using a Calendar

Look through this slideshow to see how to add school and personal events to your calendar: