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Academic Coaching and Study Skills

Establishing a Routine

When we study from home, it may seem difficult to structure the day ahead. By establishing a regular routine, we can reduce stress and get into a rhythm of regular events. You can use a calendar and a to-do list to keep track of everything that needs to be included in your regular routine.

Lack of a routine can result in:

  • Increased stress because you are worrying about when you’ll get it all done.
  • Poor sleep because you are staying up late to finish work or because you are worrying about when you’ll finish the work.
  • Poor eating habits because you have not scheduled time for grocery shopping and meal preparation.
  • Poor physical condition because you have not planned time for exercise.
  • Ineffective use of time because work is forgotten or does not get completed.
  • Procrastination because large tasks seem overwhelming and are difficult to start.
  • Less productivity because you don’t have a plan and are slow to move from task to task.

How do you develop your routine?

  • Complete this Time Management Inventory Checklist from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to find out where you are struggling with your time management. Evaluate what you need to improve on and set goals for yourself.
  • Use a monthly/weekly/daily schedule:
    • Paper calendar
    • Daily Log
    • Google Calendar
    • Outlook
  • Make a to-do list and follow it.

Resources to help you with your routine:


Azevedo, K. (n.d.). Why you need a study routine, and how to create one. School Habits.

Northwestern Medicine. (n.d.). Health benefits of having a routine. Health Beat.