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RefWorks (Software Instruction)

RefWorks online software simplifies the process of research, collaboration, data organization, and writing by providing an easy-to-use tool for citation, bibliography, and reference management. Learn how to build a collection of references.

Remove duplicate references

There are two ways of scanning your reference collection to identify duplicate records. 

  • Folder -- Will look at all references in the selected folder (note: this is not available to shared folders.)
  • All -- will look at all references (in the project) -  this will include shared folders. 

There are two types of duplication checks:

  • Exact match - In this method, RefWorks compares the titles, authors, and publication dates in a reference. The data must match exactly. RefWorks ignores the case of letters and numbers and the order of author names. We also match elements that appear empty (e.g. 2009 and Jan 2009 in date would still match)
  • Close match *RECOMMENDED* - In this method, RefWorks compares the titles, authors, and publication dates in a reference. The data are weighed for their similarity. If enough items are similar, RefWorks will suggest it as a match. Publication dates are identified even where elements appear empty (e.g. 2009 and Jan 2009 in date would still match).

To begin a duplication check you can do one of two things, they will both get you to the same spot.

1. Select an Unshared folder; Click on the action button (vertical dots); click Find Duplicates


1. Click Tools on the horizontal toolbar (if checking in a specific folder make sure that folder is selected first); Click Find duplicates







2. Select to search:

  • selected folder only, OR
  • all references

3. Select

  • Exact match
  • Close match *RECOMMENDED*

4. Click find duplicates







5. RefWorks will identify duplicate records and select the one it suggests that you DELETE. 

note: you can unselect the suggested record and keep both or select the other if appropriate. 

6. Click Delete on the horizontal toolbar to remove the duplicate records. 


7. When all duplicates are removed you will see "No Duplicates were found".