There are many ways to access the share settings for a folder. All paths lead to the same destination.
Note: In order to share a reference, it must first be in a folder.
A. Share button (horizontal toolbar)
1. Click the "Share" button on the top (horizontal) toolbar.
2. From the drop-down select "Share Folder".
B. Sharing (Vertical toolbar)
1. Expand "Sharing" by clicking V (if not expanded already)
2. Click "Share a folder"
3. Select a folder to share from the Sharing settings popup
C. My Folders (Vertical toolbar)
1. Expand "My Folders" by clicking V (if not expanded already)
2. Click the action button (vertical dots) beside the folder
3. Select "Sharing settings" from the dropdown
There are three sections to the sharing settings. sections can be expanded/collapsed by clicking on the triangle beside the title. ex. "settings for"
Settings for:
This identifies:
Public URL
This URL allows you to share your folder with a non-account holder (ex. a peer who doesn't yet have a RefWorks account or a person outside of RRC.)
Note. URL is active until you click "remove URL"
Shared with
Here you can indicate:
To make changes to the settings of a shared folder.
1. Go to Sharing Settings
2. Under "Shared With"; click the names to expand this section.
3. Make changes to the sharee (Can view, modify, annotate) or remove them entirely by clicking (X) Remove.
If removing ALL sharees, you can also click the "Unshare Folder" button.
When others share folders with YOU.
When somebody shares a folder with you a couple of things will happen.
1. You will receive an email from RefWorks notifying you that somebody is sharing a folder with you.
2. When a folder is newly shared you will see a number and the folder will have a checkmark button beside it. You must accept the folder in order to work with it.