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RefWorks (Software Instruction)

RefWorks online software simplifies the process of research, collaboration, data organization, and writing by providing an easy-to-use tool for citation, bibliography, and reference management. Learn how to build a collection of references.

Edit references

Sometimes references don't arrive complete. The content of a reference record is dependent on the information available to RefWorks at the time its added to the collection. 


Edit using Citation View

Citation view allows you to see the possible fields that need to be updated to make the record complete. 

1. Select Citation View (typically this is defaulted to "Normal View")
The example is set to APA 6th edition. This can be changed by click on the cog icon. There are a number of different types of citation styles available including MLA and Chicago. NOTE: APA 7th edition is not yet available. Coming soon.




2. When Citation View is active missing fields are colour coded. 

  • (?) Blue indicates a missing field that might be required for the selected style. Ex. Editors or Edition
  • /!\ Orange indicates a missing field that is probably required for the selected style, ex. Publisher or Author name.

Click on the missing fields to open the editing sidebar. 









3. RefWorks will open the editing sidebar and take your cursor directly to the missing field. 
Enter the missing information; click Save at the top of the sidebar.











Edit (the other way)


1. Select the reference by clicking on it - it should become shaded and the preview window will open on the right side. 


2. Click the edit icon (pencil) to open the citation in edit mode.

3. Edit required fields;

  • Click the Lightning bolt icon -- this will search known databases to try and populate the rest of the form. The lightning bolt is also available on the DOI field. 
  • Click Add More Fields... if you want to manually add more ex. DOI

4. Click Save

Edit from PDF view

You can edit the reference while viewing the attached PDF side-by-side. To do this you will use the Edit Reference button. More about Edit Reference (from PDF) here.